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Areas of Specialization: Ethics, Social-Political Philosophy, Metaphysics.

Areas of Competence: Cognitive Science, Philosophy of Science.

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University of Tampa

Associate Professor of Philosophy (tenured) - March 2018-present.

Department Chair - June 2018-2022.

Assistant Professor of Philosophy (tenure-track) - 2015-18.

Assistant Professor of Philosophy (non-tenure-track) - 2009-15.

University of British Columbia

Assistant Professor without Review (non-tenure-track) - 2008-9.



University of Arizona - PhD in Philosophy, Cognitive Science Minor, December 2008.

    - Dissertation: "A Non-Ideal Theory of Justice."

    - Committee: Thomas Christiano, Gerald Gaus, Michael Gill.

Syracuse University - PhD program, 1999-2001.

Tufts University - B.A. in Philosophy and Psychology/Clinical, Magna Cum Laude​, 1998.


  1. (2020). Neurofunctional Prudence and Morality: A Philosophical Theory. Routledge.

  2. (2016).  Rightness as Fairness: A Moral and Political Theory. Palgrave Macmillan.

Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications

  1. Forthcoming. Jury Theorems for Peer-Review. British Journal for the Philosophy of Science [w/Remco Heesen & Liam Kofi Bright].

  2. Forthcoming. From Rational Self-Interest to Liberalism: A Hole in Cofnas’s Debunking Argument of Moral Progress. Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.

  3. 2024. Educational Justice and School BoostingSocial Theory and Practice.

  4. 2023. Allies Against Oppression: Intersectional Feminism, Critical Race Theory, and Rawlsian Liberalism. Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy.

  5. (2023). (When) Are Authors Culpable for Causing Harm? Journal of Moral Philosophy.

  6. (2023). Trans Women, Cis Women, Alien Women, and Robot Women Are Women: They Are All (Simply) Adults Gendered Female. Hypatia: A Journal of Feminist Philosophy.

  7. (2022). Two New Doubts about Simulation ArgumentsAustralasian Journal of Philosophy [w/Micah Summers].

  8. (2022). Panpsychism and A.I. ConsciousnessSynthese [w/Corey J. Maley].

  9. (2022). Varieties of Artificial Moral Agency and the New Control Problem. In Oisín Deery (ed.), ‘New Work on Agency and Responsibility.’ Special issue of Humana.Mente.

  10. (2021). The Normative Stance. The Philosophical Forum.

  11. (2019). Nonideal Justice as Nonideal FairnessJournal of the American Philosophical Association.

  12. (2019). The Dark Side of Morality: Group Polarization and Moral EpistemologyThe Philosophical Forum.

  13. (2018). Mental Time-Travel, Semantic Flexibility, and A.I. Ethics. A.I. & Society.

  14. (2016). A Refutation of the Lewis-Stalnaker Analysis of Counterfactuals. Metaphysica.

  15. (2015). How to Rationally Approach Life's Transformative ExperiencesPhilosophical Psychology.

  16. (2014). First Steps Toward a Nonideal Theory of JusticeEthics & Global Politics.

  17. (2014). A Unified Explanation of Quantum Phenomena? The Case for the Peer-to-Peer Simulation Hypothesis as an Interdisciplinary Research Program. The Philosophical Forum.

  18. (2014). Justice as Fairness in a Broken World. Philosophy and Public Issues.

  19. (2014). Why Hobbes Cannot Limit the Leviathan: A Critical Commentary on Larry May's Limiting Leviathan. Hobbes Studies.

  20. (2014). A Better, Dual Theory of Human Rights. ​The Philosophical Forum.

  21. (2013). Groundwork for a New Moral EpistemologyKlesis.

  22. (2013). A New Theory of Free WillThe Philosophical Forum.

  23. (2013). A Lot More Bad News for Conservatives, and a Little Bit of Bad News for Liberals? A Follow-up StudyNeuroethics.

  24. (2013). Bad News for Conservatives? Moral Judgments and the Dark Triad Personality Traits: A Correlational StudyNeuroethics​.

  25. (2012). Unifying the Categorical ImperativeSouthwest Philosophy Review​.

  26. (2012). Reconceptualizing Human RightsJournal of Global Ethics.

  27. (2011). People Do Not Have a Duty to Avoid Voting Badly: Reply to BrennanJournal of Ethics and Social Philosophy.

  28. (2009). In Defense of Discretionary Association Theories of Political Legitimacy: Reply to BuchananJournal of Ethics and Social Philosophy​.

Book Chapters

  1. Commissioned. Moral Disagreement and Normative Ethics. In Maria Baghramian, J. Adam Carter, & R. Rowland (eds.), Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Disagreement. Routledge.

  2. 2023. Doing Masculinity Better. In David Baggett & Marybeth Baggett (eds.), Ted Lasso and Philosophy, Wiley-Blackwell.

  3. (2021). The Original Position. In Philosophy Illustrated: 40 thought experiments to broaden your mind. Helen De Cruz (ed.), Oxford University Press.

  4. (2021). Morality as an Evolutionary Exaptation. In J. De Smedt & H. De Cruz & (eds.), Empirically Engaged Evolutionary Ethics, Springer – Synthese Library.

  5. (2018). Humans and Hosts: What's the Difference?, in Westworld and Philosophy, Wiley-Blackwell, Chapter extract featured at

  6. (2017). The Rationality of Voting and Duties of Elected Officials. In Ethics in Politics: The Rights and Obligations of Individual Political Agents (Routledge).​

Encyclopedia Entries

  1. (2020). Transformative ExperiencesInternational Encyclopedia of Ethics.

Invited Publications

  1. (2013). Nonideal Justice and a Decent Health Care Minimum. APA Newsletter on Philosophy and Medicine.

Publications in Popular Press

  1. (2022). Common sense leads philosophy astray. iai news.

  2. (2015). The Peer-to-Peer Simulation Hypothesis and a New Theory of Free Will. Scientia Salon.

Book Reviews

  1. (2022). Should We Turn Down the Anger and Turn Up the Shame? Review of Owen Flanagan, How to Do Things with Emotions: The Morality of Anger & Shame across Cultures (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2021). Metascience.

  2. (2020). Assessing empirically based ethics: James Davison Hunter and Paul Nedelisky: Science and the good: the tragic quest for the foundations of morality. New Haven: Templeton Press and Yale University PressMetascience.

  3. (2019). Mark Silcox, A Defense of Simulated Experience: New Noble Lies, Routledge. Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews.

  4. (2019). T.M. Scanlon, Why Does Inequality Matter?, Oxford: OUP. Australasian Journal of Philosophy [Book Note].

  5. (2019). Michael Goodhart, Injustice: Political Theory for the Real World, Oxford: OUP. Political Theory.

  6. (2019). Reflections on a Future of Sex With Robots (Review of J. Danaher & N. McArthur [eds.], Robot Sex: Social and Ethical Implications, Cambridge: MIT Press), Metascience.

  7. (2018). James Griffin, What Can Philosophy Contribute to Ethics?, Oxford: OUP. Journal of Moral Philosophy.

  8. (2017). Experimental Philosophy and the Fate of the Philosopher’s Armchair. review of Jennifer Nado [ed.], Advances in Experimental Philosophy and Philosophical Methodology (Bloomsbury), Metascience.

  9. (2016). Review of L.A. Paul, Transformative Experience (OUP). Australasian Journal of Philosophy.

  10. (2014). Review of C.A.J. Coady, ​Messy Morality: The Challenge of Politics (OUP). Mind.

  11. (2012). Review of Michael Freeman, ​Human Rights, 2nd Edition. Teaching Philosophy.

Awards and Other Distinctions

2021-22. Research Innovation and Scholarly Excellence (RISE) Award, Faculty Grant, University of Tampa (project title: ‘Prudence, Morality, and Justice: A Unified Theory of Business Ethics’).

2017. Excellence in Teaching Award, College of Arts & Letters, University of Tampa.

2015. Co-winner, Joseph Ellin Memorial Prize for Best Paper, 9th Annual Meeting of the Lighthearted Philosophers’ Association.

2014. Charm Quark Winner (third-place), 3 Quarks Daily Philosophy Blogging Award (judged by Huw Price).

2012. Selected Participant, NEH Summer Seminar, "Liberty, Equality, and Justice: Philosophical Problems in Domestic and Global Contexts", Washington University in St. Louis.

2010. Selected Participant, Yale Experiment Month Initiative - sponsored by the APA, coordinated by Yale Cognitive Science.

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